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Success Stories
"Tina is one of the best tutors whom I've met. She is patient and could give clear instructions and guidance. She also gives advices to students regarding to each individual problems. After practicing Pilates here for months, I feel my posture problem is rectified and become Slimmer!!!! "
Edna C.
February, 2018
"生左兩個bb之後,本來只係想修修身,所以搵Tina ,冇諗過原來姿勢錯誤,
導致身體出現好多問題⋯ 學左兩個月後,除左小腹平左, 腰側幼左, 仲感覺到自己各方面都有改善,
而且上堂時 用到正確肌肉,亦都有好大滿足感,感謝Tina 每次嘅鼓勵!"
Emma K.
October, 2017
"一開頭經朋友介紹, 想改善高低膊同側彎, 上左5個星期發現高左1 cm,
腳伸直多左, 肩頸無咁痛, 多謝MISS每次的細心教導同鼓勵, 會繼續努力!"
Cindy Sin
March, 2018
改善O型腿 (2022)
Body Fat from 31.4% to 25.1% in 8 weeks
無需節食瘦全身 (November, 2021)
Pregnant Moms
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